Saturday, February 2, 2008

Riding Giants

In the power and excitement of Big Wave surfing, I've found a vibrant metaphor for my times with Christ. Although not a surfer, the passion that surrounds the sport has always been interesting to me. Recently I've tried to spell out what my heart knows about surfing and about worship. It goes like this: A worship-centered life is a delightfully dangerous ride on something that God controls, powers, and provides. Enjoy the ride.

1 comment:

David Taylor said...

Surfing is a great metaphor. So many things go into catching a wave - from watching where the waves are developing, to paddling in that direction, to waiting for the right wave, to paddling to gain momentum ahead of the wave. Sometimes the waves are in the deep waters and sometimes the waves are in the shallow waters. It's the same way with God. We must get to a place of personal discipline in our walk with God, then we wait upon Him. Sometimes we are in shallow places and sometimes we are in deep places. We then paddle to gain momentum ahead of where God is working, but after that, it is about His power and purposes as He reveals His hand. It is exciting and scary, but rewarding.

We are praying for you and Star as you transition to Houston.